St Mary’s Church Coddenham

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From The Rectory – Watch and Pray

by | Jul 11, 2024 | Coddenham Church


The day had dawned brightly but with storms forecast for later, and so it proved to be.  Driving home in the evening, I was treated to an ever changing skycap; blue sky and white clouds give way to light grey and ominous shades of dark before the blue returned.

The evening sun came and went, as did the rain: light drizzle, steady rain, wipers on, wipers off.  At one point, the low sun cut through beneath an otherwise stormy bank of cloud; leading to sun-visor and windscreen wipers at the same time.  For all this, the road remained clear until I was nearly home.

As the rain returned once more a shimmer of light alerted me to a puddle ahead.  Nestling half hidden in the shadow of some trees on the inside of a sharp bend, this puddle widened out across half the road.  It was the first of many as a heavy squall flooded down.  Slow down, tread carefully, stay alert, stay safe. For a few minutes the rain hammered down, then it was all clear once more.  As I drew up to the front door the sun shone and the ground was barely damp.  Now I could relax.

A comfy chair, a relaxing drink, dinner, family; as we approach our journey’s end it is natural to relax.  Storms weathered, the ground familiar, concentration wanders as thoughts turn to what lies ahead.  Perhaps this is why accidents happen close to home.

It’s not just about motoring.  As we grow older it is easy to become complacent.  In our spiritual life, as in family and business, having braved the challenges and excitements of our younger years we are on familiar ground.   We know what God expects, we can relax.

We live in an ever changing world.  Such change offers opportunity for good and for harm.  Here the serpent, more crafty than any other wild animal that the Lord God made (Gen 3:1), masquerading even as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14) is ever alert to opportunities to deceive; to pose bad as good.  Even in the darkest spaces, the light of God still glints, if we can but notice.  Watch and Pray.


Rev’d Philip Payne                                                       The Notice Sheet for 14 Jul 24 can be found here







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