Coddenham Village History Club News

Preserving the History of Coddenham

Schedule of 2024 History Club Talks Published

by | Jan 31, 2024 | Coddenham Village History Club, Front Page, History Club Current Event, Meeting, News

Drive and Front view of Houses

Coddenham Village History Club Talks 2024

The Schedule of talks for the coming year has been published.

The talks, given by celebrated  local and national speakers, cover a vast range of subjects of  interest from Constable, Basil Brown, Shrublands, to Suffolk Coastal Erosion over the ages, taking in LIDAR and the Northern Lights along the way.


Click here to see the Schedule for 2024 


  1. Chris Hewitt

    I am undertaking family research and hoping that someone in the ‘History Club’ could point me in the right direction.
    Specifically looking at the ‘Hearn’ family in the mid – late 1800’s. Records and census I have gathered mention them residing at ‘Lime Kilns’ Coddenham as an address. Cannot find where this might be exactly?
    I only get the opportunity to visit Norfolk and Suffolk about once a year as i live in the West country.
    Thanking you for time and effort, any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
    Kind Regards
    Chris Hewitt.

    • Admin

      Hi Chris – did anyone get back to you?


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