News & Information


Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Meeting, Parish Council

Dukes Head modern day colours

An Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting will be held on 4th October 2023 at 6pm at The Coddenham Centre, to consider a number of planning applications, including the latest proposals for premises formerly known as The Dukes Head.

Click Here for Agenda Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting 4th October 2023

Please contact your Parish Councillor or Clerk, should you have any questions or points to raise.


  1. John Woodcock

    It’s worth mentioning that objections need to be in by next Monday, it’s a shame that the meeting is being held long after the last date for submissiond. I was told, and I have no way of knowing if this is true, that the Parish Council have known about this since the beginning of September but haven’t done anything until now.

    • Andrew Macpherson

      Thanks for the comment John.
      I passed an objection I received to Councillor Whitehead and he responded within a couple of hours. I think the PC are aware this is a matter of concern, hence the extraordinary meeting. I’ve passed your remark to them. I’m sure they will be in touch through these pages or directly.

    • Cllr Nick Mills

      John, thank you for your comments. Due to councillor absences and the need to be quorate (the presence of a minimum of four councillors from the six we have) and that we received a number of comments for DC/23/04091 after the last Parish Council meeting, the earliest we are able to meet again is the 4th October. We have an extension for DC/23/04091 until 6th October. A reason for publishing details of the Extraordinary Meeting more widely is to ensure we capture the views of all residents who wish to comment.


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