News & Information


Duke’s Head – Further Planning Application

by | Oct 17, 2023 | CCRG, Front Page, Meeting, News, Parish Council

Dukes Head modern day colours

The parish council has been notified that a further application has been made for planning consent and listed building consent for the former Duke’s Head in relation to the proposed entrance to the carparking area and external elevator.


The parish council has obtained an extension to the consultation period to 17 November 2023 to allow for consideration of the application at the parish council meeting to be held at 19.30 on 14 November 2023 at The Coddenham Centre.

Residents are encouraged to consult the proposals and to provide any feedback to Mid Suffolk planning department through the online portal. The parish council will make a submission following the meeting on 14 November and after considering residents’ views.



  1. Adam Cobbold


    I was wondering, out of interest, if the owner would be willing to sell this pub?

    If so, how much please. Can you find out for me?

    Thanks, Adam

    • Andrew Macpherson

      Thank you for your comment Adam, We can’t advise you on this other than to tell you that when an approach as made two/three years with the view to a community purchase, it was repeatedly declined.
      The contact details should be on the latest planning application. We’ve passed you enquiry to the Parish Council who are also responding to this matter.
      Good luck!
      The Coddenham Community Response Group


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